Let the numbers grow your medical and allied health practice

The BOS gives you confidence, security and growth through powerful insights and recommendations based on your individual business.

Seamless integration and one portal for all systems

Yeah, we know, you have a PMS. Maybe you have a CRM…
They CAPTURE data, but every day The BOS healps people USE that data.

The BOS! Let the numbers grow your allied health practice

The BOS integrates with all of your cloud base software's including Nookal to provide one source of truth for business owners, clinical managers and practitioners. The BOS is your one stop shop for all departments and parties in your business to understand relevant information about the business or individuals performance.

The BOS! Let the numbers grow your allied health practice

The BOS integrates with all of your cloud base software's including Nookal to provide one source of truth for business owners, clinical managers and practitioners. The BOS is your one stop shop for all departments and parties in your business to understand relevant information about the business or individuals performance.

Intelligent Reporting

The BOS enables you to deep dive into all the different data sets that you are consciously or unconsciously collecting. Create categories and group information like service codes into categories to make more meaning out of your data.

Want to find out why last week's revenue was through the roof? Simply click your Revenue category breakdowns to find out what location, using what funding, in what service type with what practitioners was causing such a rockstar week! - easy as a simple of button clicks.

Want to see the trend in your unique clients month on month and how much time they are spending in your clinic? - This is a breeze for The BOS – Mega Report.

Spending hours trying to work out how much travel your community team is doing each pay run. Let the BOS handle that for you (without the need of expensive GPS trackers) and let yourself spend time on more important things.

Powerful Automations

The BOS allows cross platform automations that will plug the holes in all your leaking buckets.

Sales team saying they booked a client? Let the BOS search Nookal and find that appointment, move your lead through the pipeline and manage that appointment through to invoicing.

The BOS amplifies it's functions by co-ordinating between software platforms to get the most from your data.

Team member engagement/ management:

If only your team could know their own performance in real time, at any time. If your measuring it your working on it!

The BOS through its practitioner report allows for customised dashboards and views to help deliver to your team the exact information you want them keeping an eye on. With every row ``permissionable`` you don't need to give them the key to the castle because you want them to see the grounds, you can easily select what you want them to see based on their ``role``.

Let's face it, it isn't easy managing that many clients. Well the BOS is here to help your practitioners. With a variety of different automatic notifications (tenant or individual set) you can ensure they never miss a beat. Client cancellation notification, new client booking notification just to name a few.

Client Management

Use our patient pathway report to keep an eye on frequency of visits for your clients. Compare across different practitioners or even from one time period to another. The BOS wants to make sure you are aware of everything happening in your business.

How does The BOS integrate with Nookal?

Setup is simple with data migration (including all your historical data) can happen in hours.. Just create an account and get full access to every feature. We've got video tutorials, knowledge base articles and how-to guides to make getting started easy as.


Start growing your business today and get 1 month off your subscription.

Backed by multi-million
dollar Allied Health Clinics!

Find out why The BOS is trusted by practitioners Australia-wide!
Experience The BOS for yourself.

Start your free month trial!

Here's what you'll get:
  • Fast and easy access
  • Seamless data import automation
  • One-on-one support calls
  • Discuss options to improve how you use data
  • Customised to suit your needs and goals

Client testimonials

We are very proud of the service we provide and stand by every product we carry. Read our testimonials from our happy customers.
The BOS has provided me true insight into the growth rate of our allied health company. The data integration between my practice management software, CRM and additional cloud base systems has made running the business extremely easy. The BOS gives clear direction on areas in the business to work on and where we should be investing next.


General Manager of Atkins Health

The BOS has been a fantastic addition to the software we use within our practice and lets us harness the data we already collect so we can use it to drive growth and improvement within our practice. The team are always on hand to help with any issues and are full of ideas to help us implement strategies that, in turn, help us have a bigger impact on the people we serve


Kinetic Medicine

The Bos has allowed me to get back in control of my business. That is mainly due to the way that the numbers within your business are dynamic in terms of they're updated as you go and they can also help you predict and forecast into the future.


Tailored Health

A must-have asset for any clinic owner wanting to leverage their data and turn their insights into tangible (profitable) results.

Kieran Spillane

Director & Founder TYBA Health

Ready to manage and grow your allied health business like a Bos?

Start your free trial today and experience first-hand how The BOS can help.