Struggle to motivate your team?

Hard to get them to help the business grow?

The BOS has this sorted

The Practitioner Report speaks their language and motivates your team to get on board with the business

Get Started

Highly Motivated Teams builds businesses

The Practitioner Report is the link between business and the team. By promoting self management and empowering the practitioner to manage and look after their clients affectively the business grows. A true win, win, win scenario.

The practitioner report focus the practitioners into their KPI's and guides them to improved client care and ultimately business performance.

Let's face it, people management is hard! Being a practitioner at it's core is just that, people management. And when client management is getting above around 35-55 clients a month that is a lot of people to manage and help! The Practitioner Report is the perfect tool for practitioners to manage their client's and ensure no one falls through the cracks or receives sub par treatment.
Interactive Interface

gamify's improved performance

Data Centred Care

Leave nothing to guess work

Compelling Insights

System generated data Insights


that tell you how to how to improve your performance


Shows your performance trend and compares to company averages


Basic views that simplify practitioner workload