Just like how your feeling now The BOS originated from frustration and misinformation.

And so The BOS was born. With the vision of enabling growth through the connection of people, software, functions and databases. We asked ourselves 'Why recreate the wheel of the millions of amazing software but better bring the benefits of all of them under one roof'. One source of truth. One place where the team on the coal face and showcase their individual value right the way up to the Boardroom's P&L.

Based in Allied Health

The BOS started in our founders very own Health Business, where all the new technology, functions and systems got scrutinised and tested, used and abused for 3 years prior to making it out into the market. This process still continues to this day. So you can be sure that we are actually practicing what we preach. The BOS is fundamentally running all of our multiple business's and strongly believe it will help you run yours!